MAR-6SM+ MMIC Amplifier

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The Mini-Circuits MAR-6SM+ MMIC is small but powerful. It has a bandwidth from DC to 2GHz, a gain of 22dB at HF frequencies, a very-low noise figure of 2.3dB, and a termination-insensitive I/O of 50Ω. It runs on 3.5VDC at 16mA. It’s pretty small, but it comes pre-installed on a half-inch square PCB similar to our BFR106 and dual-gate MOSFETs.

For more on MMICs in amateur radio, see Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (QEX Feb/1987), and Yet Another Tool for Your Tool Kit (N6QW Blog).

Mini-Circuits Datasheet

MAR-6SM+ Breakout PCB $9.95 Buy on eBay